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Unforgettable moments in Occitanie


Tours in French

We go to great lengths to make our visits anything but ordinary tours. Choose and design your own guided tour, or join one of our most popular tours. If you are unsure between several choices, do not hesitate to contact us.


Tours in English

You would like to know more about France but do not speak French?

Join us in one of our tours!

Discover the beauties of medieval times, enter Renaissance mansions, taste regional wines...Spend some quality time enjoying the art de vie à la française!




With language lessons, cultural visits and food tasting, this immersive experience could change the idea you had of learning!

Meet new people, discover  places, try great food. Have a French week!

Schedule of upcoming visits

Seize the opportunities that present themselves to you, join one of our scheduled tours!

No events at the moment

Contact us


5 impasse du pin 81370 Saint Sulpice

+33 6 60 18 53 83

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